
Make Direct Download Link For Google Drive File

Make Direct Download Link For Google Drive File

To create a direct download link for a Google Drive file, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Google Drive and locate the file you want to share.
2. Right-click on the file and select "Get link" from the menu.
3. In the "Get link" window, choose the access level you want to grant to the recipient, such as "Anyone with the link can view" or "Anyone with the link can edit."
4. Click "Copy link" to copy the sharing link to your clipboard.
5. Open a new browser tab or window and paste the copied link into the address bar.
6. Replace the first part of the URL "" with "" and remove everything after the file ID. The file ID is the string of letters and numbers that appears after the "/d/" in the original URL.
7. Hit enter to load the modified URL, and the file should start downloading automatically.

For example, if the original URL is:

You would modify it to:

Please note that this method only works for files that are set to "Anyone with the link can view" or "Anyone with the link can edit" access levels. If the file is set to private, you will need to change the access level or add the recipient's email address to the sharing settings to give them access to the file.

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